About Us
We started producing envelope out of home industry in 1982. The business grew from the increasing greetings card envelope demand at the time. PT. Diamond Prima Jaya was then formally established at 2004 and has helped to supply most banking, insurance and other companies needs for mailing envelope until now. The company now produces various kind of paper-converted product such as book, hardcover book, paper folder, HVS copy paper, paperbag and bufallo cover carton with our well-known brand GRANDIA across Indonesia.
Diamond Prima Jaya work under 7 principle for both external and internal values.
Discipline – Held accountable of every single responsibility for work and community
Integrity – Doing what is right even when nobody pays attention to it
Ambition – Great spirit to achieve dream by working diligently and confident with our self
Motivation – Have a motivation to improve quality of work and life
Opportunity – Look for every opportunity in every situation including problem.
Nobility – Always improve and be a better self than yesterday
Dedication – Give our sincere time, effort and spirit for our work in the company.
- To become the top paper converting company that can be trusted for both local and international company around the world.
- Create a change and help with the community/society wherever the company operates.
- Have a significant market share at every segment we have entered and bring positive contribution to the market.

Started a home industry envelope production at Jakarta Barat (Mangga Besar). First batch of envelopes produced is a job order for a seasonal greetings card envelope.
Establised the business under CV. Prima Jaya Abadi and at the same year launched an envelope local brand “PG” (Prima Guna).
Bought first new workshop at Jakarta Utara and installed a new German Envelope machine, as well as expanding our greetings card envelope market to a well known brand company at the time such as Hallmark, Harvest, and Imperial.
Moved to a new bigger workshop in Jakarta Barat and installed another 2 folding machine specifically for banking orders (Window Film). First four-colour Heidelberg printing machine with other die cutting machines were installed. We had expanded our market to banking and insurance envelope needs.
PT. Diamond Prima Jaya is formally established.
We expand our range of product for banking and schools job orders such as flyer, letterhead paper, books, NCR books, paperbag, paper folder and shopping bag.
Rebranding of envelope local brand. Grandia Envelope is produced and marketed.
Grandia A4 paper is marketed for local needs.
PT. Palopin Era Prima ( Palopin Group ) joined in as a shareholder.
Launched a paper folder product for retail market .